Pets Without Prior Written Approval From The Owners
Fires, Chinese Lanterns, Firecrackers, Fireworks
Heat-production of any kind in The Pines (smoking, cooking, etc.)
Speakers/playing of car stereos/Amplification
Recording Devices
Laser Pointers
Items to sell (no unauthorized vendors)
Drones/Unmanned remote control vehicles on festival site
Portable Structures in the concert seating area
Selfie sticks in performance areas
Politically motivated flags or banners
Illegal Drugs
Your Ticket (Wristband)
Wear your wristband on your wrist where it can be seen all weekend. Be careful not to put your wristband on too tightly – they do not stretch. Persons without wrist tickets (wristbands) will be ejected from the Festival. If they return, they will be arrested & prosecuted. Persons with counterfeit wristbands will be ticketed, evicted and prosecuted.
Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over age 21. Minors in possession of alcohol will be ticketed, evicted and prosecuted.
Friday Entry – See Main Gate
Friday morning entry to the festival will be at the Main Gate only. Please consult the parking/line-up map provided with your wristbands. No parking along the roads leading to the festival site until 9am on Friday morning. The roads must be kept clear so that emergency vehicles, school buses, and our neighbors can get through. Violators will be ticketed and/or towed by the Newaygo County Sheriff Department.
Respect Your Neighbors
Respect your neighbors and your neighbors’ property. Please report problem behavior to the Fest OF ALL staff. Problem behavior may result in expulsion from the festival.
No Saving/Reserving Campsites
No saving spaces/campsites. Please be prepared for this policy to be enforced at this year’s and future years’ festivals.
Although many of us have longstanding campground traditions, saving open spaces for someone arriving later in the day is unfair to those who have gotten here early, suffered through the dreaded wait in line and are ready to set up camp. To increase your chances of camping in a group arrive early and together. If it doesn’t work out, chances are you will at least end up nearby each other and maybe even make a few new friends.
Setting Up Camp
As you set up camp:
Do not save/reserve campsites.
Do not block fire lines.
Park all campers and motor homes with either tongue or nose facing toward the road/lane for quickest exit in the unlikely event of an evacuation.
Stay within the farm boundaries.
Do not drive into or through the campgrounds after 9PM.
No generators allowed.
Audio Equipment
The use of stereos, amplifiers, radios, and the generators to power them are prohibited.
Fire Safety
No fires. The use of heat-producing devices in the Pines is strictly prohibited – very high fire danger! This includes, but is not limited to: charcoal grills, Coleman Lanterns, camp stoves, as well as cigarettes, etc. Ground fires are not permitted anywhere on the festival site. Firearms and fireworks are strictly prohibited.
Look for collection barrels around the Festival site. Please take a few extra minutes to clean up your campsite, deposit your trash in the appropriate receptacle, and recycle your recyclables. .
No driving in the campgrounds after 9PM.
If you arrive after 9PM you will be put in Day Parking for the night, but you must be ready by 8AM to move into the campgrounds. If you know you will be leaving after 9PM, please park in Day Parking.
Weapons Policy
With recent changes in Michigan’s concealed weapons statute, many more people are now legally carrying guns. While there may be circumstances where carrying a concealed weapon is justified, the Fest OF ALL Board of Directors does not believe they have a place at our festival. Accordingly, to promote and maintain a safe, threat and violence free workplace, reduce the potential for threats or violence involving weapons; minimize risks to personnel, customers, and visitors and to protect the organization’s reputation, the board has adopted a policy prohibiting the possession of weapons on festival grounds or at activities sponsored by FEST OF ALL. Persons found in possession of dangerous weapons will be asked to remove them from FEST OF ALL grounds immediately. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the premises. Please leave all weapons at home. Anyone desiring additional information on this or any other policy may speak to a board member at the info tent.
Alcohol/Substance Policy
Underage persons observed in the possession of, or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs will be referred to Sheriff’s Deputies. Adults who are creating problems will be referred to Staff. If there is no cooperation or improvement in their problem behaviors, Sheriff’s Department personnel will be notified. The offending person or persons will be evicted. This may include the families or guardians of teens, or all members of any disruptive campsites. If there are problems with the eviction, they will be prosecuted for any and all applicable violations of the law. Serious or repeat problems will result in persons being permanently banned from the Festival. Secure your alcoholic beverages and/or coolers when you leave your campsite or Main Stage area.
Unauthorized vending is not allowed at the festival. Offenders will be evicted from the festival, and their merchandise confiscated.
Please keep drumming/drum circles respectful.
Do not bring pets of any kind. Service dogs must be licensed and tagged by a recognized service animal training program.